ResNet: Setting the Stage
- Penn: Large, urban, private research university; decision making largely decentralized
- 22,000 students total, 10,000 undergraduate
- Undergraduate schools: Arts & Sciences, Engineering, Nursing, Wharton
- Grad/Prof: Annenberg School for Communication, Dental, Education,
Fine Arts, Law, Medicine, Social Work, Veterinary Medicine (Vet School
has second campus 35 miles west)
- Major teaching hospital
- Annual budget of $1.9 billion
- Network becoming infused into all aspects of university life: near-universal e-mail, research computing, telecommuting
- Admissions officers concerned with "competition"
- Occupancy down, could CATV help?
- Supreme Court approved Bell Atlantic's "video dial tone"
- Modem pool & labs at capacity
- Old telephone wiring needed replacement
- Provost had sponsored Academic Video Network (AVN)
- President, Provost, Budget Director all supportive
- Initial project announcement on campus
Please address comments or questions to Dr. Noam Arzt, [6/20/96]